Committees and Sub Groups

Affordable Housing and Carpark Research Team: Led by Paul French with Karen Morris, Claire Heard, Pip Hayes and Andrew Smallridge. The work of this group is now being undertaken by the Housing & Infrastructure Group.

Finance: Cllrs Heard, Lewis and Anderson with the Clerk

Village Green: Cllr Duncan Matthews with Cllr Karen Morris

Parish Council Website: Clerk

Community Assets Review: (originally formed in August 2023 with Cllrs Lewis, Heard and Member of Public Guy Arnold). This was progressed in 2024 by Cllrs Lewis, Heard and Squire who helped to collect information and produce a report.

This can be found at Community Asset: Final report 

The Committee was then stood down, having fulfilled its role. 

Village Hall representative: Cllr Morris

Lengthsman organisation: Cllrs Matthews and the Clerk 

Cranbrook Charity Representative: Cllr Squire 

Parish Online administrators: Cllr Phil Lewis/Clerk 


Possible future committees

Planning: To be decided

Snow warden: This will be considered by the newly formed  Dunsford Emergency Response Team (DERT)

Parish Plan Steering Group (Housing and Infrastructure): Lead by Cllr Paul French with Cllr Karen Morris, Cllr Claire Heard, Cllr Pip Hayes, Cllr Hayley Smith and Duncan Matthews with members of the public Mark Harrison, Paul Jenkins and Philip Lewis                                                                                         It was decided at the January 2023 meeting that this group had fulfilled its role and would be dissolved.  Cllr French would like to thank all those above who have contributed. Their input has been appreciated.                                       

Cllrs French and Matthews will continue to represent the Council on the working group with Mary Ridgeway (TDC), Hastoe and the Agent. This will be known as the Housing Working Group and it will report back regularly to the full Council.


Parish Plan Steering Group: (Community Services and Connectivity): Lead by Karen Morris with Hannah Phipps and Martin Sharland                                     It was decided, at the December 2020 Council meeting, that, having achieved its aims, this group should be stood down. Thanks to all those who have worked on this including Suzanne Cosgrave who led this group admirably when she lived in the Village.                                                                                                                              

Parish Plan Steering Group: (Recreation and Environment):   This group is being put on hold at the moment.

Dunsford Emergency Response Team - DERT (previously known as Emergency Planning Group): Lead Cllr Hayley Smith with Cllrs  Karen Morris and Rebecca Squire and members of the public Phil Morris, Simon Green, Colin Ridgewell, Mark Saunders and Rowan Kendall - Tory. First formed  in January 2022 

Dunsford Climate Initiative - First formed in December 2021(previously known as Climate Emergency Group): Lead by Cllr Paul French with Cllrs Hayley Smith, Alison Arnold and Rebecca Squire with members of the public Daniel McGahey and Ruth Stevens. A local wildlife warden will attend each meeting (currently Julia Kirkland or Pip Hayes)

 If any Member of the Public is interested in joining any of the above groups, please contact the Clerk or Lead Cllr.

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