Affordable Housing Research

Dunsford Parish Council is investigating the provision of more affordable housing in the village.  The parish council are keen to state that at this stage we are purely gathering information.  Our community will make the final decision about whether to go ahead with such a project.

A set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be provided in October and uploaded onto this website.  Links to useful documents are provided at the end of this page.

The 2019 Dunsford Housing Needs Survey identified a need for more affordable housing in the village.  A large part of the current research and discussion with parishioners revolves around Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA)'s 2017 Land Availability Assessment (LAA).  We believe that the first two pages of the 2017 report provide an excellent introduction to how the national park consider housing provision.  We have copied those two pages in full below:


We believe that a key point from the above introduction is that there is a "need to re-examine those sites, particularly in the Local Centres where supply is lower, that were not considered developable or deliverable to assess whether there is scope to overcome or mitigate development constraints (e.g. flooding, contamination)".  The three sites currently under consideration are the same sites as those considered by the 2017 LAA, and all three sites had issues relating to their developable and/or deliverable potential.

Please see the sections on the right for further information about the research conducted so far.


Documents relating specifically to Dunsford

DNPA 2017 Land Availability Assessment - Dunsford section

DNPA_2017 Land Availability Assessment - Main report 

Dunsford 2019 Housing Needs Survey

Dunsford Options Appraisal Report 2019

Housing Needs Survey - example questionnaire

Dunsford Settlement Boundary (as of DNPA's Local Plan 2018-36 Review)

Dunsford Conservation Area Character Appraisal 2011

Dartmoor National Park Authority

DNPA Affordable Housing Policy SPD 2014 

DNPA's Local plan review 2018-3026 has full details available at:


Teignbridge District Council

Teignbridge local plan 2013-33 - Current 

Teignbridge's Local Plan Review 2020-2040 has full details available at:


Parliament documents

House of Commons briefing paper - What is affordable housing (2019)

House of Commons briefing paper - Stimulating housing supply (2019)