General Information

All Councillors serve on a voluntary basis and attend the Parish Council meeting on the first Tuesday each month at 7:45 pm in the Village Hall Dressing Room. The meeting is open to the general public who have an opportunity to speak at the beginning or end of the meeting. Councillors also attend other meetings on behalf of the Council if it is thought to be relevant to Dunsford.

Notice of Meetings, including the Agenda, is posted in the Parish Council notice board adjacent to St Mary's Church. A copy of the minutes of each monthly meeting is posted at the following locations: St Mary's Church porch, the Village Post Office and this website. 

 Sandbag collection can be arranged with Cllr French on 01647 252 721, Cllr Morris (during shop opening times) on 01647 252 330, Cllr Smith on 07944 673 587 or the Clerk on 01392 811236

Village Green  The Council manage the Village Green at the back of the Village Hall. It is a well used facility with play areas for various ages of children. It is inspected by the Council every month, with a written report presented at the monthly council meetings, and annually by ROSPA to make sure it is a safe area for everyone.



No Cllr vacancies at present